Saturday 11 August 2012

Recipe 2: Fruit and Veggie Smoothie

So today happens to be one of those days I just wanted something other than a bowl of oatmeal or scrabbled eggs. I figured I'd stay healthy and make a yummy smoothie and pair it with some quinoa chocolate cake (trust me this stuff is really good).

For this post, I'll write out the recipe of the smoothie and have a separate post for the quinoa chocolate cake.


Frozen Banana- 1
Frozen Strawberries- 1/3 of a cup
Peas and Carrots- 1/3 of a cup
Almond milk-  1/3 of a cup
Grapefruit juice- 1 cup
Wheat germ- 1 dessert spoon
Oatmeal- 2 dessert spoons

Before I go into the preparation, let me say this, this is one recipe that you can tweak as many things as you want to. For example, instead of the frozen strawberries you can use raspberries, mixed berries, peaches or any fruit of your choice really. I used frozen strawberries here because I live on an island. That means everything that we get is either flown in or shipped in. So by the time fruits get into the city, they aren't as fresh as they can be. Hence why frozen fruits work well for me. But if you get your fruits fresh, go ahead and use them. I would advise you to cool them in a refrigerator and add some ice to give it a frothy finish.

Secondly, feel free to replace the grapefruit juice with any fruit juice of your choice using the same measurements. If you don't have wheat germ you can leave that out of the recipe. You can also add some yogurt (which I typically do but I didn't have any yogurt in my fridge today). The almond milk can be replaced with coconut milk or fresh milk or any milk of your choice. Sometimes I would add a handful of spinach in the recipe as well to get my iron for the day. 

Remember, its a smoothie not rocket science, so go to town with it and use things that are at your disposal.


Step 1) Chop the bananas into small circles in order to make it easy on the blades of your blender especially if your using frozen bananas.

Step 2) Add all the ingredients into the blender and blend.

Step 3) Serve

This is an easy, refreshing and very healthy smoothie that you can make on the go or during a lazy weekend. You can make it as thick or light as you wish by adding more oatmeal (for thickness) or more liquids (for a light consistency). This particular recipe makes a smooth velvety texture that can easily make 2-4 servings.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

So until next time, bon appetit.

xoxo #foodgasm
(Follow us on twitter @InCoPot)

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