Thursday 9 August 2012

xoxo #Foodgasm

Hi everyone welcome to our blog. So we're trying to figure out a really cheesy "welcome" post that we would look back at and laugh our selves into a stomach ache. Clearly we're doing a good job at that :). I guess we should introduce ourselves before we move on to talking about the inspiration behind this blog.

We're two ambitious young women still trying to discover ourselves. In this journey we've fortunately stumbled upon the world of food (great, now we'll have to figure out how to watch our weight with this love for food :p).

We've both grown up loving food; especially growing up in Nigeria (all our naija peeps you know na ;)) we've come to appreciate good home cooked meals. However, our love for food is no longer just limited to Nigerian foods as our exploratory palates have led us to discovering the beauty of food in different countries.

Intercontinental Cooking Pot (InCoPot or ICP) is a spot where we can all celebrate our love for all kinds of foods. Join us in our journey to discover healthier ways of preparing commonly known meals. Trust us, we love our grease and fats, but we believe that moderation is key.

Welcome aboard our food train and we hope that you stick with us through out the ride.

xoxo #foodgasm
(Follow us on twitter @InCoPot)

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